Wednesday, January 23, 2008

You Are Not Alone

How do you connect with other people? The answer to that question really varies depending on your age and your access to current technology. I kind of like that new commercial for one of the local cell phone companies. You know, the one where a large crowd of people is standing together representing our "network." This network is our lifeline. It connects us immediately to friends, family, colleagues, businesses, etc. We are promised that if we just sign up for this service we will not have to worry ever again about being left out in the cold, or with a miniature pony, or some other odd gimmick meant to guilt us into wanting something.

What is fascinating is that two things need to happen in order for us to buy into the belief system of this product. First we have to begin to believe that maybe, just maybe, we are not as connected or close to our friends our family as we thought. And second, we must believe that being able to contact them right away will give us the sense of security we will need in order to make it through our horrible day.

Now contrast that to another commercial for a cell phone. You know this one too. The one where people wander around asking "Can you hear me now?" And the other one where a person asks a question only to have the call "dropped" and the silence is interpreted the way that person thinks is implied by the lack of an answer.

The truth is, many of us approach our spiritual and faith lives the same way. We all desperately want to connect, or reconnect to others, but often feel like we are all alone. If this was not true, companies would not constantly be trying to convince us that we are not alone and that their product will solve this problem. When we enter into a faith relationship with God in this way, we enter an adventure in missing the point. Believing in God may not always give you the sense of security you need. In fact, sometimes many of us get frustrated that God must not exist or be uninterested in our lives because of some event in our life that has caused us stress or discomfort. This is because most of us treat God like a commodity that we can tap into at our convenience instead of discovering and experiencing the multitude of ways God is present in our daily lives.

That leads to the other thread of today's thought. When it comes to our communications with God, often they sound a lot like the second ad mentioned above. We go to a church service and pray, "God, can you hear me now?" Or we sit in our own homes in solitude, "God, can you hear me now?" Or we find some spiritually rich natural environment to ask, "God, can you hear me now?"

Each time we ask this question we have an opportunity to enter into a deeper conversation with God. But often we treat God the same way we treat a dropped call:

"Hi, God? I was wondering if you want me to do something different with my life. You know, maybe change a few habits, not that I have a bunch of bad ones. Do you think I should give up hanging out with that bad group of friends that get into trouble all the time?....Hello? So maybe that is the wrong question...right?"

There is an interesting psalm that actually answers some of those questions and a host of others. Psalm 27 (click above to read it) has a way of helping us realize that we are not alone. Even if our own mother or father has thrown us out, God is there. When we seek ways that bring us life, God is there. When we are surrounded by people who wrongly accuse us, attack us, and try to destroy us, God is there. God is there to listen to the sighs to deep for words. God is there to guide you to others who can reconnect you to a new way of living. It will not always be easy because life has its ups and downs, but the great crowd of people brings perspective, support, and a sense of joy that is another reminder of God's grace all around us each and every day.

Reconnecting to one another opens a window to the kingdom that God wants us to see right in front of us, right here in Nashua, NH. Right where you are now, wherever that may be. You are not alone and if you are hungry to reconnect to the divine spark of life, or to perhaps take a little spiritual health check-up, stop by, grab a cup of coffee, and reconnect. By the Way is intended to be that growing crowd of people along the lifeline that leads to God. Ready to grab a hold?

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