Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Godtobe unstoppable

What’s the most unusual place you’ve ever encountered God?

Now for those of you who aren’t accustomed to encountering God anywhere and don’t even know what that might mean: don’t tune me out just yet.

That question (or something like it) was posed to a group of over 500 people at a conference I attended a few weeks ago. We broke off into groups of 2 or 3 and swapped stories. The intention of the question was to open up our minds to the possibility that God is showing up all around us. Our job is to notice. The benefit of doing so can be huge.

Too often people keep the divine in their own little boxes. Like: God shows up in places of worship (especially MY place). Like: God comes to me through my friends who believe the same thing I do. Like: I only feel God’s presence when I’m out on the golf course. There are all kinds of boxes we use to keep God in check, and most of us don’t realize we’re doing it.

And plenty spend their whole lives “believing” in God, “worshiping” God, without ever expecting God to show up at all.

So I’m here to challenge you to look in those unusual venues. See God showing up in totally unorthodox places. I’ll give you an example. I was catching up with my friends on Twitter. I followed one of the links that mdubayou posted (hey, thanks, btw). And I saw God showing up in a surprising place. Take a peek and tell me what you see. http://bit.ly/16eFjK

This was hardly your typical “holy” place. I don’t have a clue where the dancing guy was coming from or the youtuber either, for that matter. But something holy happened in me as I watched it. The unstoppable spirit that inhabits me was dancing.

Let’s talk more about how God moves us and where God shows up, either here on the blog by leaving your comments, or by coming to Bread for your journey this Thursday 7pm at Nashua’s Crowne Plaza.

(To see one example of how Jesus encourages us to see God showing up in surprising places, like in the face of a convict, for example: http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%2025:34-40;&version=65; )


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