Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Where in the story are you?

Which Disney prince/princess are you? What character from the Wizard of Oz? What Pokémon are you? which Jane Austin hero/heroine? which one from the Twilight saga? and on and on it goes… the list of quizzes you can take.

Next thing you know, they'll have a quiz to see which quiz is most revealing of your TRUE identity.

No one likes quizzes in school, so how come people like them so much on Facebook? (other social networking sites, too?)

Why do we do these quizzes when we’ve got so many real things we’re supposed to be doing? It’s more than just a fun diversion, don’t you think? Is it that we like to figure ourselves out? or we like to proclaim who we are for all the world to see?

Lots of them have to do with seeing what character you are in a particular story. When stories really get to us, really move us, we like to put ourselves right into the action, the character development, the drama… so we can get lost in it all, or maybe get found

You know, I haven’t seen a quiz yet that asks, “Which character from the story of Jesus’ resurrection are you?” And I’m intrigued by the prospect. It’s a wild story. And putting yourself into it could be revealing. Easter is too important a holiday to let it go by after you’ve eaten enough chocolate eggs. How do you put yourself into this great drama of life-giving death and tomb-busting new life? (click on the title of this post to read one eye witness account)

Is there anyone out there who has seen such a quiz already? anyone who wants to create one? I’m planning to make one in the next 2 days, but it’s very possible you could do a much better job than I, so do let me know. Or just let me know your ideas and I’ll include them.

This Thursday night, ‘by the way’ is hosting our weekly gathering at the Crowne Plaza… and we’ll be putting ourselves into the resurrection story, seeing where we fit in and what the story can reveal about us (and about the God who’s the main character of the story). I’m really looking forward to it. Whether you live nearby or far, far away, I hope you can join in this conversation. Any thoughts that my questions here have shaken loose in you, please share…

Emitting Easterjoy,



Kim said...

Thank you for these thought-provoking words, Kari! I think we all like to take quizzes because we all suspect there is something we are missing...

Unknown said...

Kari, we love you, but e-mail at 11pm saying "I have a very important question to ask you" implies urgent business that I need to reply on before I leave town, not "What Disney princess are you?"

by the way said...

Responding to Darlene and anyone else who might feel the same way: I'm sorry if my Facebook request to have you read my blog soon (as a "very important" matter) made anyone anxious or alarmed. I made a mistake. I just wanted to see quickly if anyone wanted to help me with Thursday night's preparations. And I wasn't thinking terribly clearly when I called that request "very important". "Timely" might have been a better word. Thanks for your feedback, Darlene. I have yet so much to learn about e-communicating effectively.

listening and exploring faith together