Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Well, well, well

Sometimes those who pray get distracted by the task of choosing the right words, and the praying gets lost in the process. Praying – relating/speaking/listening to God – can be wordy or wordless, to be sure. Or sometimes just one word will do.

For the past few months, my one-word prayer has been: well. Breathing in, breathing out, I let that one word fill my soul, chasing out the random thoughts (you know, cutting myself down, thinking of all I should be doing, etc.) that would separate me from God. Sometimes I dwell on the different meanings of the word, “well”, and other moments my thinking slows and I just plain become the word, resting in and being challenged by the Living One I’m being with.

Just to give you the idea:
Well… Well? What’s next God?
Well… God, make me well again, give me the healing I need.
Well… God, you are my wellspring of life, my only source of saving grace
Well… How precious the gift of water! Move me, God, to advocate for those who don’t yet have safe wells to draw from
Well… All is well and all is well and all is truly well…

This Thursday night, by the way will be exploring two intertwined stories from Mark’s book of the Bible about Jesus. They have quite a bit to say about all the dimensions of being well, becoming well, and not being well at all. Take a look if you like. It’s one of my favorites:


Come join us at 7pm at Nashua’s Crowne Plaza, if you can, or join in our conversation here at the blog.

Be well,

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