Saturday, November 21, 2009

Closure and beginnings... by Heidi Jakoby

It is interesting with how busy we are in life we often do not take time to close things, whether it is a draw, cabinet or a relationship or job. What is it about closure that many of us don’t; want to do it or think about it? I believe it is about time and feelings of loss. It takes time and thought to put closure on something. It takes time to honor what has occurred and to value what has happened. That brings us to the first reading from “Reverence: the Practice of Paying Attention” by Barbara Brown Taylor. You can see the readings, reflections and prayers at  .In the first reading there is a quote “The practice of paying attention does take time.” Paying attention to others, to yourself, to the world around you takes time. Do you notice what is around you? Do you appreciate those around you? Do you take the time to honor the many moments in your life? The idea of reverence that is spoken about in this first reading causes me to think about the many things and people I take for granted the things I do not take time to be thankful for or to offer reverence.

On Friday Oprah announced that she would end her show after next season, more and more television shows announce their ending at the beginning of their last season so they and their fans can have closure. Why is closure important? I think it helps us to move on to the next thing with less regrets and more joy especially if things end well.

Some of the discussion last Thursday centered on losing one’s job and how that was handled by the employer. Many of us commented how our employers just wanted us gone and seemed to fear what we might do if we had time to pack up, say good bye or create some closure. How have you found closure to your jobs? Were people kind or were you escorted from the building?

The second reading from John, reminds us that Jesus came and died for us. Jesus helped the Disciples have closure through the act of a meal of bread (Jesus body) and wine (Jesus blood) a continuous ritual reminder of all that Jesus gave for us. Rituals are very powerful during joyous times and sad times. What are some of your rituals during different times of your life? What are some cultural rituals?

The last reading I really love because it brings hope and joy. Knowing that any closure in my life whether good or bad Jesus is there and that is a great comfort.

What do you think of these comments and the readings? Please share them here.

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