Tuesday, January 20, 2009

New Orleans Trip: Post 2 (End of Work Day)

It's been an incredible day, a day so full that I don't know where to start. Driving through the neighborhoods devastated by Katrina 3 years ago (and still recovering) was heart-breaking. It felt good to be physically helping, painting and sanding, helping one family to get their home back. But even more powerful for me was walking door to door with 3 other people, offering quilts and prayer shawls to those who could use some extra warmth and care. Those we talked to were so grateful to us, not only for bringing the soft and beautiful gifts, but also for listening as they told their stories.

I'm too beat right now to post my pictures and tell some of the stories, but I'm hopeful that I'll get to do it tomorrow. Thanks so much to all who have written me messages of interest and encouragement, on Facebook and here on the blog. And thanks for your prayers, for us and for so many people here who are 3 years into this recovery that may well last 25 or more.

More to come,

~ Kari

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listening and exploring faith together