Wednesday, January 21, 2009

New Orleans Trip: Post 3 (Devastation and Hope)

So here's a shot from New Orleans' 9th Ward, one of the neighborhoods hit hardest by Katrina. The little peach-colored house tucked between two abondoned homes, is a place of haven and hope that I will never forget.

I mentioned yesterday that 4 of us were out offering quilts to those who might appreciate such a gift. As we walked to the front door, we heard the whooping sounds of ecstatic celebration. Being the clever person that I am, I deduced that the residents inside were watching the much-anticipated Inauguration.

Not long after she welcomed us at the door, Donna was ushering us in out of the windy cold to come in and watch history being made along with her and her husband, Kevin.

What a privilege to be there with them, to hear their stories of struggle and their intense optimism for the future, despite their challenges. It was amazing. No better word for it.

I've got more pictures up on Facebook if you want to check them out. The captions tell more of the story of our adventures of service and witness in the 9th ward. We were "witnesses" not only in the sense of living out our faith and accompanying those in need... but also in the sense of being eye-witnesses, reminding the country that the struggle is not over. The hard work of recovery from trauma and loss goes on.

~ Kari Henkelmann Keyl

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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

New Orleans Trip: Post 2 (End of Work Day)

It's been an incredible day, a day so full that I don't know where to start. Driving through the neighborhoods devastated by Katrina 3 years ago (and still recovering) was heart-breaking. It felt good to be physically helping, painting and sanding, helping one family to get their home back. But even more powerful for me was walking door to door with 3 other people, offering quilts and prayer shawls to those who could use some extra warmth and care. Those we talked to were so grateful to us, not only for bringing the soft and beautiful gifts, but also for listening as they told their stories.

I'm too beat right now to post my pictures and tell some of the stories, but I'm hopeful that I'll get to do it tomorrow. Thanks so much to all who have written me messages of interest and encouragement, on Facebook and here on the blog. And thanks for your prayers, for us and for so many people here who are 3 years into this recovery that may well last 25 or more.

More to come,

~ Kari

Monday, January 19, 2009

New Orleans Trip: Post #1 (DC Stop)

I’m just here for a short layover, but it sure is exciting. I’m at the airport in Washington, DC, on my way to New Orleans. Even though I won’t be here for tomorrow’s Inauguration, is still feels like I’m close to the history-making, dream-fulfilling event. I even bought some of the souvenirs which are all over the place (not something I usually do!) If you’d like to be one of the lucky recipients of one of my fun little souvenirs, all you have to do is be one of the first 3 to ask! (Just click on “comment” at the end of this post.)

Well I may not be able to stay here in DC and share in the dream of being physically present at the Inauguration, but I will be part of the humungous crowd being virtually present, and I feel mighty privileged to be able to do it.

In just a few minutes, I’ll be moving on further south to explore a different dream, one that does fit into the category of community organizing. I’ll be meeting in New Orleans with about 100 or so others who are organizing communities of their own, groups of Christ-followers who are reaching out into the world in new and exciting ways. Not only will we be learning and worshiping and swapping stories and such; we’ll also be going to post-Katrina worksites to be serving God’s people in need in very concrete ways. I’m psyched, as you who know me can well imagine.

Stay tuned for more!

~ Kari

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

What Are You Carrying?

I have to share with you a couple of sentences that I read from an article a friend gave me. As you read them, make a mental note about which phrases, if any, grab onto you:

God has given us a vision of the way the world can be. It is not our job to make it happen, but to companion God and willingly carry the piece of the dream God gives us to carry. *

The words that intrigued me were “to companion God” and “carry the piece of the dream”.

I confess that I go about much of my life carrying way too much. I get to thinking that improving the world is my job. Responsibility hounds me like a stalker. Then when the load gets to be too heavy, I’m so tired or so afraid-of-failure that I can’t seem to carry anything at all. Just barely getting by.

What if I could be carrying just a piece – the piece – the piece of God’s dream that God has given me to carry?

What if my everybreath companion would be not responsibility, but… God?

What if I could truly be companioning God as a way of life, a regular thing. What would that look like, feel like, to have God as my constant confidant AND to be God’s confidant as well?

It's certainly not easy to know what God is saying all the time, but it’s probably a good thing to give it a try. To stop and ask: God, what piece of your dream am I carrying today?

Click on the title of this entry to read a great story about someone who’s just beginning to companion God. He’s a young guy named Samuel. It’s such a great story because God’s so patiently persistent. God keeps going after this kid until Sam gets it: that God wants a conversation partner. God has a dream for being in touch with Samuel’s people. And Samuel is to carry a piece of God’s dream.

How do I know what piece of the dream God has in mind for me? I’ve got to be in touch with God’s other conversation partners. Together we listen, to God and to the Godvoice in other listeners.

Please feel free to comment on any thoughts you have about Samuel’s story or your own. Consider the piece of God’s dream that is part of you, the unique gifts that only you bring to God’s world. Either post your thoughts here or on the Facebook page or shoot me an email at

My hope is that By the Way can be a community of GodCompanions who walk with and support one another, whether it’s online or in person, whether you live in New Hampshire or New Zealand (yes, there’s someone in NZ who reads this!). Let’s continue to seek out ways we can be community, reaching out and being God’s people in the world.


* excerpt from Radical Newness: The Essence of Being Church by N. Gordon Cosby with Kayla McClurg

listening and exploring faith together