Thursday, August 19, 2010

Which is more efficient? Planning or Living Moment to Moment? by Heidi Jakoby

Someone needed to be healed so the healer healed them! What is wrong with that? Sometimes you just need to be in the moment and go with what has been put before you. In the story from Luke13:10-17  “the man in charge of the meeting place was angry because Jesus had healed someone on the Sabbath”, but Jesus seized the moment when the women walked into his life. Why would Jesus wait until another day to heal this woman? I have been struggling with the idea that rest is important and I do not rest well, but being in the moment is also an important aspect of living a fulfilling life? Planning and honoring the past; where do they fit?

This week has been all about being in the moment and as you can see this blog did not come together until this evening. Monday at 6:30am I received a call from my friends asking me to watch their daughter as they were on their way to the hospital to have their second child. My answer was yes, even as I needed to head out to help with a summer program for children, that morning. I had a great time and we had some very special moments that day, but I have not been able to catch up on what I “needed” to do this week? What is most important?

Not having any children of my own spending this week with a group of 5 year olds has required me to be in the moment. I am a reality show junkie and one of my favorites is Flipping Out   on this show a Jeff Lewis runs his own business with a number of assistants. One of the things he often tells his staff “I want you to be present and be two steps ahead of me”. What is required of them really? As in any job when you are truly present and attentive to your task at hand often it goes easily and ultimately more efficiently.

Was Jesus just being efficient by healing the women on the Sabbath, why wait? Was this just another normal day of ministry for Jesus? When is the last time you felt like you had a normal day? For me this week was no where near normal. Everyday was a new immediate need. When will I have another normal day. People are getting back from vacation, realizing school begins soon and trying to get as much fun into this summer as possible. Do you sometimes long for a normal day? I found this great Prayer for a normal day Prayer for a Normal Day by Mary Jean Iron

Normal day,

let me be aware of the treasure you are.

Let me learn from you, love you,

bless you before you depart.

Let me not pass by in quest

of some rare and perfect tomorrow.

Let me hold you while I may,

for it may not always be so.

One day I shall dig my nails into the earth,

or bury my face in the pillow,

or stretch myself taut,

or raise my hands to the sky and want,

more than all the world, your return.

This was a very special week for me, but sometimes I too long for a normal day.  I wonder what a normal day was for Jesus, always being questioned.

Please comment here and let me know your thoughts.

1 comment:

redhed2020 said...

I live moment to moment, but wish I were better at planning moments. My focus lately has been to "be in the moment", sometimes called the Holy Instant. This takes a little advanced planning strangely enough. In other words, we need to remember to practice.
I chuckled at little at the quote "be fully present and plan 2 steps ahead." Aren't these contradicting conditions?

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