Monday, April 14, 2008

Steveo-s Devos: How Can we Know the Way?

Have you ever wondered where you might be headed? What direction your life is taking...where you may be going to next in your These are all good questions that all of us at one point or another have asked ourselves. These questions often come at key moments in our lives. It might be as we graduated from High School, or perhaps it was the death of a parent or favorite relative or friend. Sometimes it comes at transitions between jobs that we thought we would do for ever.

When life throws us a curve ball, it often makes everything else a bit murky. Even here at BTW we are in the midst of an amazing transition as we begin to discern where we might locate in the city of Nashua. Do we choose a place downtown? Do we find a home to use? An abondoned storefront? It seems the possibilities are endless.

So, it was with a great deal of relief that today I turned to read from John 14 with Jesus' words: "Do not let your hearts be troubled. Believe in God, believe also in me." It was a wonderful reminder that God is at work in our developing community preparing a place for us if we trust in God's direction.

I have to admit that like the disciples in the following verses of this pasage, I asked the same question that Thomas does, "Lord, we don't know where you're going. How can we know the way?" Thomas gets a bad rap in scripture because he always wants some kind of substantial proof that God is here in our midst. How is he supposed to know whether what he is experiencing is from God or not? He wants proof...and sometimes by extension, so do we if we are honest.

Even Phil, another disciple standing by Jesus, speaks out that if only Jesus would show them God, then they will all be saitsified. Phil's hinger is for proof as well. He needs tangible proof that God is there and will be there for him. His statement is subtly different from Thom's.

Thom is looking for clarification. He wants to make sure that he is doing the right thing, following the path that Jesus has laid out for them. Phil though is looking for a more conditional faith that expects God to do something spectacular to convince him that he has made the right choice.

Jesus' response is encouraging. He tells the disciples that they have seen the very things they are asking about as they followed Jesus around. He reminds us all that God is everywhere and that if we believe in him we can overcome this obstacle of needing proof and be unclear of the path we follow. It is about calling on Jesus for a bit of spiritual direction in our lives not only when things are a little difficult, but even when we feel that God is not around us. For the followers of Jesus, it is about being those physical reminders to others about God's grace here and now as we live out our own messy lives and spiritual path.

How will we know the way? I think we will discern this when we listen to what God is calling us to as a community here in Nashua, and as we live out our own discipleship with Jesus. As you think about your own life and where you are at today, perhaps it might be worth reflecting on times when you rediscovered your own way and how that happened. These stories are helpful in the midst of times when we feel confused or unsure of where to turn next. Know that God goes with you in those times, inviting you into a deeper relationship that will strengthen you and give you hope.

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